About Us

Greetings...we are Boy Scout Troop 1210 and our troop number comes from Romans 12:10 "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves."

We got started in December 2005, and we currently number about 90 scouts.

The high adventure Boy Scout Troop 1210 of Rancho Santa Margarita, Orange County, CA, is about camping, backpacking, mountaineering, winter backbacking, rock climbing, whitewater kayaking, cycling and mountain biking, model rocket shooting and other cool stuff in the great outdoors (graded to age and ability). Our scouts learn teamwork and leadership skills and advance in rank towards Eagle Scout. First Class Emphasis is promoted for new Scouts. We have an active merit badge program in the arts and sciences, business and professions, sports and life skills. Community service, both local and distant, as well as trailbuilding and conservation work, is a priority in Troop 1210.

District: Saddleback

Council: Orange County, CA

Interested in joining?

